Buy Mink
In order to get service and repair information for your Mink you need to send us an email at info@minkcampers.comIn that email it is important to describe for what area you need information and the serial number of the Mink (usually located on the tongue of the chassis).
buy mink
We offer two options for getting mink eyelashes. If you just need them for one night, you can buy our mink lash extension kit online and apply them yourself. If you want a much longer-lasting solution, come in to Chicago Lashes and let us apply them for you.
They are common but secretive. Many may have seen them while fishing a favorite stream or while taking a walk along the water's edge. That quick blur out of the corner of your eye that left you wondering if you're seeing things. Odds are that blur was Mustela vison, the mink.
Mink are generally shy creatures but can be very bold if their curiosity is peaked. Those who are fortunate to observe a mink's behavior should use caution. The animals have scent glands under the skin and when they get excited or stressed, musk is released. The obnoxious odor can be just as repulsive as a skunk's.
The mink is one of the most common fur-bearing animals harvested in the United States. Mink are also one of the few furbearers that can be raised on commercial fur farms. Mink fur is extremely soft and very durable. Smaller pelts are sewn together to make coats and larger ones are typically used for fur trimmings. While mink farms are controversial, wild mink are quite common and populations appear healthy.
Solitary by nature, mink will locate a mate in February and breed. The females are responsible for raising the four blind, helpless "kittens" born about six weeks after breeding. They are covered with a coat of fine, silvery-white hair and will grow their adult fur seven weeks later. The young are weaned around three months and will venture out on their own after about five months.
Be sure to do your research. Start by visiting the furriers website to make sure that the furrier is reputable. Pologeorgis Furs has an extensive website showing styles in all types of furs. The website will you the price range for each type of fur and you can decide on a budget. Fur Styles such full length mink coats, mink vests, mink jackets and mink shrugs are good options.. How do you judge a reputable furrier? Pologeorgis has been in business for over 60 years and has worked with the best designers in the world. The site will show all types of furs, mink, fox, beaver, Russian sable, swakara lamb as well as shearling, There are also many fur manufacturing techniques to choose from. From sheared furs to reversible furs to fur lined garments. An experienced furrier can answer any questions you have and help you decide which type of fur best suits your budget and lifestyle. A reputable furrier like Pologeorgis Furs will also carry a wide array of furs, fur colors, fur shapes, and fur styles. Pologeorgis stands behind the authenticity and quality of the fur garments they make and sell. Established in 1960 by Stanley Pologeorgis who was a pioneer in the fur industry, Pologeorgis Furs is world renowned for unparalleled quality furs and fur craftsmanship. Pologeorgis Furs is now under the stewardship of his son Nick and daughter Joan and the tradition of excellence continues. Pologeorgis is a family owned and operated company, Each fur garment sold by the brand carries the Pologeorgis label. The Pologeorgis family is personally invested in making sure that the fur used is of the highest quality. Pologeorgis is open by appointment in New York City Pologeorgis 143 West 29th Street NYC NY 10001 212 563 2250
Pologeorgis designs and manufactures fur coats in New York City. Pologeorgis offers mink coats, mink jackets, mink vests as well as a full line of ready to wear coats, fox jackets and fox vests. Pologeorgis offers a huge selection of fur hats, mink hats, mink scarves as well as fur slippers. Pologeorgis is the best furrier for custom one of a kind fur coats and fur jackets. Pologeorgis always has an experienced furrier and knowledgeable fur designer on hand to guide you through the process. Pologeorgis offers fur cleanings, shearling coat cleanings, fur coat remodel, fur repair and cold fur storage services right on premises.
Mink: Mink is the most popular of all the furs, Pologeorgis uses only the best quality mink pelts. The best mink fur has the following characteristics, real mink is lightweight with a dense soft underfur. Mink can be worked horizontally or vertically and it is available in natural and dyed colors. Mink is a very warm fur and durable. Natural mink are Ranch Mink, Mahogany mink, Pastel mink, Lunaraine mink, Blue Iris mink, Sapphire mink. Popular mink styles include mink bomber jackets, mink vests, mink coats with hoods, mink hoodies, and mink shrugs. Natural mink is a versatile and can be remade into new styles
Make sure that you have a trusted and experienced fur salesperson who came help you select the perfect fur garment, There are so many style options for fur and luxury outerwear. Are you looking for a dressy coat? Perhaps mink or sable are something for you to consider. Do you want an everyday fur? Consider a fur lined parka or fur lined jacket for errands around town. Shearlings are a good option for many situations and can be worn with dresses or jeans. Pologeorgis is well known as the go to salon for shearlings and Pologeorgis has a huge selection of well priced shearling jackets, shearling coats and shearling vests online as well as the location in Greenwich, CT. Pologeorgis 25 Lewis Street. Hooded mink coats and hooded mink jackets are great sporty styles for cold winters in the suburbs and city,
There are several mink pelt qualities and the better the nature of a mink pelt, the higher the price. So, for a high-quality mink coat, you will have to pay more. The best quality pelts are sold in certified fur auctions. NAFA in Canada, the SAGA in Finland, and the KOPENHAGEN FUR in Europe. You can check the quality of a mink pelt from the touch and look of it. Higher quality pelts are softer, have shorter hair, are more lightweight, and shinier and their color is more vivid.
One common concern of mink consumers is whether to buy a garment made of male or female pelts. In general, female pelts are smaller and lighter than male pelts. The primary objective should be to acquire the finest quality mink in a professionally fitted garment. Both male and female mink that have been bought at a certified fur auction are recognized for their outstanding quality and beauty. The answer to this dilemma is that each garment, whether made from male or female mink, has to be judged individually based on its own quality.
The most common labels you can find in a mink coat are from the country of manufacture, the brand of the coat, and the original label of the pelts. As we mentioned, the best quality pelts are sold in the certified fur auctions, the NAFA in Canada, the SAGA in Finland, and the KOPENHAGEN FUR in Europe. When you see one of these labels on your coat, then you know that it has been made with the best quality raw material.
These reputable fur auctions gather pelts from certified farms and sell them directly to the furriers. In every auction, there are several lots for the same fur type and color, because some farms produce better quality pelts than others. Every auction has its own system of labeling and uses several labels to identify every quality. For example, in mink pelts, Kopenhagen offers 4 qualities of pelts. The finest of the finest is the Purple Quality. The second, best is the Platinum Quality. The third is the Burgundy Quality and the Fourth quality is Ivory. Check the photo below.
Nowadays, during the cleaning process of the mink pelts, a small dose of perfume is added. Most of the new mink coats in the stores have this strong, beautiful smell. After a few days of using your brand new mink coat, the perfume will weaken and eventually disappear.
We at Leather Honey are experts on leather care, so let's clear this up: Not only is this claim incorrect (and admittedly a little amusing), but using olive oil or mink oil on your leather will have negative repercussions. In this article we'll explore why olive oil and mink oil are bad for your leather goods.
You already know what olive oil is, so let's take a quick look at mink oil. Mink oil is a product made from the fatty layer under a mink's skin. Both oils certainly give the impression that they would make great leather conditioners. However, the concept fails time and time again.
If you use olive oil on your leather, over time bacteria and mold will build up on the item. Mink oil is just as bad for your leather as olive oil. When you apply mink oil to your leather, at first, it will condition it. However, eventually the mink oil will oxidize and have the reverse desired effect: It will harden your leather. This is also true of Neatsfoot oil, another commonly recommended animal product for leather that does more damage than good.
Dear Diane,Thank you so much for the check for $225 on the sale of the ranch mink jacket. So glad it sold but I wanted to write and thank you especially for telling me a little bit about the lady who bought it and her daughter who is the new owner! It feels terrific to know it is being loved by someone new!Thanks again,
Work boots and daily wear boots are the best candidates for mink oil treatment since they tend to incur the most damage over time. Treated boots can last significantly longer, saving you money in the end.
As you can see in the image above, when I used mink oil on my boots (the left boot), it darkened considerably. The boot on the right has only been cleaned with saddle soap and is the original color of the leather as it was when the boots were brand new.
According to the Fur Commission USA, mink farming is a sustainable practice that supplies fur and leather oil, as well as animal feed, bait products for the fishing industry, fertilizers for the agricultural industry, and other types of refined oils used for a variety of purposes. 041b061a72